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Using the things you have to make your lessons come to life. (Cost-effective Ideas)

March Themes (re-fresh page) - Under About Us page, click on the fpscca link and explore more links

(1)Forest Animals/ letter, Vv, Number 18 (2)St Patrick's Day, Letter Kk

Follow other ideas in the curriculum. 



(1). a. Discover the world of the forest, by reading books, showing pictures or videos.

b. Engage the children with conversation about things in the forest

c. Discuss things they can find in the forest other than trees.

d. Ask questions, what did you see in the pictures? Describe some of the animals for me. What do you think we will find in the forest?

e. encourage the three - five year old's to find pictures in magazines or news papers to relate about the story, The older children can write the vocabulary words.

f. The children can pick the animal of their chose to talk about, have them pretend to be that animal and move around the class for one minute, and make the sound of that an​imal.


(*) The infant can explore language by you modeling how you say words to them

(*) Show them the pictures in the book, encouraging them to touch the pictures.

(*) Sometime hold them in your arms while reading, so they can hear the sounds.

(2) a. Initiate a conversation about, the pot of gold and the leprechauns.

b. Have the children describe what does a rainbow look like to them, and don't forget about the colors in the rainbow. See if they know all the colors.

c. Encourage the children to choose, and read a book about

St. Patrick's Day

d. Display books about the themes in all the learning centers, the learning centers, letting the children tell the story.

e . Ages two - three will read what the story say to them by the

pictures not the words.

Fluid / Sensory Play- Always supervision in the water play area.

(1) a. Add some warm water, to let the children sense of feel change from cold to warm.

b. Fun with plastic textured animals in the water will activate their neurons, and the will make the children squeeze or touch the items differently.

c. use bubbles to help them use their mouth muscles.

d. In the sand box, put paper and scissors so the two - five can cut using their small motors.

e. In the sand box add plastic trees and forest animals with texture on them for sensory. f. Encourage the children to mix the water and sand and make mud.

(*) No water for children under 12 months old. Use bottles with liquids or gel in them, that sealed tight with glue for safety.

(*) Wash their hands and soak some wash clothes, so they can use their small motors.

(*) Use mobiles with liquid items in them, so the infants can reach and touch them.

Music and Movement-

1. a. sing Rainbow in the sky and pretend to slide down into a hole, to the pot of gold.

b. Sing Brown Bear, and encourage the children to act out the characters

c. Let the children choose a song that they can sing and dance for moving their large motors

d. Sing St. Patrick's Day is Here, while marching around with shamrocks.

(*)Encourage the infants to wiggle as they listen to the songs and dance.

Scientific Inquiry/Nature

(1) a. Place an apple, lemon, onion, and strawberry in a baggie, let the children smell without looking in the bag, to identify the smell.

b. Go on a nature hunt, and find a flower that they saw in the book or video

(2) a. Let the children put whipped cream in a bowl and add green food coloring, ask the children what happened to the white cream.

b. Provide the children with a bowl of water, a plastic block and a wooden block, put both in the water and see witch one will float and witch one will sink?

(*) Let the infants explore the smell and taste of some baby food. Supervise at all times.               

Mathematical Thinking/Numbers


1. a. print out five colorful bears and let them problem-solve by matching them by color

b. use puzzles so the children can put it back together by them self, eye-hand coordination

c. Using their fingers count one at a time, 1-5 helping them to use their small motors for counting

d. See if they can recognize three green objects in the class


1.a. Print out a picture of things in the forest, alone with other pictures and have the children circle the things that you could find in the forest.

b. If we had 10 leopards in a tree, and three of them climbed down how many are left?

c. Free choose of puzzles they want to fix, putting together one piece at a time.

d. In circle time encourages each child to count from left to right pointing with their finger or your pointer stick to 20.

*Creating activities that make them think the problem through and solve it.

Use cards that have pairs so the children can find the match.  

Character Education/ Diversity/Social & Emotional Development

Talk about their favorite color in the rainbow, In Genesis 9:13 -16 the rainbow is a covenant that God made for us to re0member. Encourage the children to be kind and respect the belief of other people. Through the day, model good manners please.

The White House has issued a safety warning because of the corona virus stay safe, wash your hands often and wear a mask. Please follow the CDC Guidelines.

Physical/Gross Motor Activities

a. Hike through the yard and pretend you are finding the Leprechaun's pot of gold.

b. Create different races like kick ball

c. Hopscotch, or four square to increase their body movement, by bending up and down, hopping.

d. Encourage activities that require galloping, jumping, running, skipping, and climbing using their large motor skills.

(*) Encourage the infants to reach for objects, and crawl, sit- up, try to pull up and walk, using their limbs to move around.

(*) Lay them on their stomach, to use their skills to crawl, or scoot, on the mat.

Items for preschool age children

toy phones, pop beads, textured toys, nesting toys, lacing cards, gears, pattern blocks and cards, big pegs with boards, cause and effect toys, shapes, Lincoln logs, blocks of all kind, form, see through, wooden, stack-able blocks, cardboard, and waffle blocks, puzzles ages 1-5, balancing scale to weigh/compare, crayon, pencils, markers, color pencils, paper, construction paper, paint, glue, string toys, music, magnets, climbers, puppets, play dough, dress up clothes, shoes, hats, cups, knives, plates, forks, spoons, glasses, pots, pans, mops, brooms, iron, ironing board, vacuum cleaner, pictures. This is review week of the lessons previous to this one.


Create A picture of the Leprechaun's pot of gold. Make a Rainbow Mobile.

Let the children create their own Art. The activity creating a texture picture of the forest.

Let the children discover the Art work hanging all around the class, giving them a since of worth. 

Week (1) Review

Large Group Activities, Small groups, and Centers for birth to five

1.Name one forest animal.

2.What's the difference between a forest animal and a house pet?

3. Are there flowers in the forest?

4.What do you think you can find in the forest?

5.How many blocks will it take to reach the top of a tree in the forest?

6.Encourage the infants and toddlers to climb over large blocks like rocks in the forest.

7. Lets pretend we are a forest animal.

8. draw your best forest picture with your colorful pencils.

9. Give the children the Opportunity to express their view of the forest.     

Week (2) Review

1.What is a shamrock?

2. Set-up gold coins in pots, so the children can fine the pot of gold. 3.Can you tell me what is a rainbow?

4. Lets search for sham rocks,

5. Be safe while in the wild looking for trees.

6. Pretend to a bear

7. Lets cut out colors and make the rainbow.

8. What is a Leprechaun?

9. Name some things that you would like to see in the forest. 

 Important Things to discuss in each Month:

January:    New Years, Explain how the year change from one year to another                   Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, He was a Leader and activist for                          Civil Rights Movement from 1955 until his assassination.

February:  Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day, / National Flag Day, /                                  President's Day/ Black History Month

March:      St. Patrick's Day, / The First Day of Spring 20th

April:        Earth Day (Optional) Good Friday / Easter

May:         Mother's Day, / Memorial Day

June:        Flag Day (USA), / Father's Day, / First Day of Summer 21st

July:         Independence Day, " Discuss the Declaration of Independence,

               which the children may know it as the 4th of July that we 

               celebrate, the birth of the United State of America. Our Symbol is                      the Bald Eagle, and Our Flag

September: Labor Day, / First Day of Fall 23rd / (Optional) Grandparent's Day

November:  Veterans Day, / Thanksgiving Day,

December:  First Day of Winter 22nd, / The first Day of Hanukkah, /                                   Christmas  

March Themes

(1) Forest Animals, letter Vv, Number 18

(2) St. Patrick's Day Week, Letter Kk

(3) Pet Week, Vv, Kk

(4) Zoo Animals Review 

(*) Infant World

What do you do with Infants daily?

  • (*)Make sure I'm safe, Love me, hold me close to you, so I feel secure.
  • (*)Put me down on the mat so I can explore, and use my fine and gross motor skills.
  • {*) Infants learn by touch, sound, seeing, smelling, and tasting so encourage your infants to engage in listening while you read to the other children.
  • (*)While singing and playing music, rock the infant slightly to feel the music.
  • (*)When talking numbers, take the infants hand and count their finger out loud.
  • (*)Please do All of the things above for me daily.
  • (*)Encourage the infant to reach for objects while on their stomach.

What's coming in April Themes?

  • Weather Week letter Uu, number 19
  • Spring Week letter Ee, number 20
  • Easter Week numbers 18,19,20
  • Community Workers / Review Week

Vocabulary Words for this week to model language for the children to know how to put words in a sentence. Encourage the children to focus on other things in the forest besides trees.

forest, wild, gold, lions, cheetah, shamrocks, trees

Hygiene/Personal Care - Follow these steps Daily.

  • After each bathroom run make sure the Children and Teachers wash their hands, even the infants.
  • If teeth brushing is done in care, wash hands before and after.
  • Wash the table and sanitize with bleach and water for 2 minutes before use.
  • Wash hands before and after each meal
  • After outside play, have the Children and Teachers wash their hands, then give everyone water to hydrate their bodies.
  • Please wear gloves when fixing food
  • Follow the best practices guide when changing the infants and dealing with body fluids. 

Items for Infants

rattles, grasping toys, stacking boxes, large pop 

beads, waffle blocks, textured toys, nesting toys, soft animals, music toys, plastic books, large form blocks, finger toys, mirrors including full length, sensory box, push toys, climb toys, 1 to 3 piece puzzles.

Song: (Short version)

"Rainbow in the Sky"

Rainbow, Rainbow in the sky

Oh how I wish that I can fly

Sliding down the rainbow into a hole

When I come up, I have a pot of gold.


Song by Francine C-Bey

St. Patrick's Day is Here

St. Patrick's Day is here

St. Patrick's Day is here

Green shamrocks is everywhere

St. Patrick's Day is here

I see them on wall, I see them in the grass

Oh my goodness how long will this day last

Song By, Francine C-Bey 

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